What is C-Tribe?
When and where does C-Tribe take place?
What is C-Tribe x Tech?
What is C-Tribe x Gaming?
What is C-Tribe x Music?
What is C-Tribe x Culture?
What is C-Tribe x Fashion?
What is C-Tribe x Film?
How much does it cost to attend C-Tribe?
How can I get involved with C-Tribe?
How can I learn more about the Pitch Quest?
How can I learn more about the Esports tournaments?
Can I cosplay at the Festival?
Where can I sign up for the cosplay contest?
What should my announcer script for the cosplay contest entail?
What is the C-Tribe x Music Festival & Conference?
When and where does C-Tribe x Music take place?
What kind of music should I expect at C-Tribe x Music?
How do I apply to perform at the 2024 C-Tribe x Music Festival or in the MusicVerse Showcase?
How are artists chosen to play at the C-Tribe x Music Festival?
What is the payment and credential policy for showcasing artists at C-Tribe?
Can I buy a pass for all the C-Tribe x Fashion events?
Can I upgrade my ticket?
Can I get a Bottle Service Package if some members of my group are under 18?
When do I arrive for the C-Tribe x Fashion Show?
What should I wear to the C-Tribe x Fashion Shows?
Is there an age limit?
How can I volunteer?
Who are the designers for C-Tribe x Fashion?
How can I model for C-Tribe x Fashion?